European Strategy for Particle Physics: Open Symposium in Venice
Registration is now open for the Open Symposium in Venice from 23 to 27 June 2025
The other 99%
Near-miss collisions at the Large Hadron Collider are shedding light on the dynamics of gluons, which contribute 99% to the mass of protons and neutrons
Official launch of the Quantum Year
Following the UNESCO opening ceremony on 4 February, see how CERN plans to celebrate the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology
Clocking nature’s heaviest elementary particle
The CMS collaboration has tested whether top quarks play by Einstein’s rules all day and all night
The measurement of a lifetime
New ATLAS measurement of the lifetime of the electrically neutral beauty meson is the most precise to date
LHCb sheds light on two pieces of the matter–antimatter puzzle
The collaboration has found evidence of CP violation in decays of baryons and in decays of beauty hadrons into charmonium particles
CERN70: Preparing for the future
Gian Giudice is Head of CERN’s Theoretical Physics department
ALICE finds first ever evidence of the antimatter partner of hyperhelium-4
The finding also represents the first evidence of the heaviest antimatter hypernucleus yet at the LHC
CLOUD experiment resolves puzzle of new aerosol particles in upper troposphere
Isoprene emitted by tropical forests may provide a globally important source of aerosol particles that influence clouds, according to a new study by the CLOUD collaboration at CERN