The proton, a century on
A century after physicist Ernest Rutherford published work proving the existence of the proton, much remains to be learnt about this ubiquitous particle
CERN pays tribute to Murray Gell-Mann
The Nobel laureate, who coined the name “quarks”, passed away on 24 May
Lock the Planck: the kilogram has a new definition
From today, all SI base units will be defined based on natural constants, with the kilogram the last to join the ranks
LS2 Report: consolidating the energy extraction systems of LHC superconducting magnet circuits
The energy extraction systems absorb the energy of the LHC magnets in case of a quench. Their consolidation is conducted in collaboration with two Russian institutes
Successful tests of a cooler way to transport electricity
A new superconducting electrical transmission line for the High-Luminosity LHC uses new materials, a new cooling system and unprecedented technologies
Apply to the Simon van der Meer Award for Early-Career Researchers in Accelerator Science - deadline 27 May 2019
CERN unveils its Science Gateway project
CERN is launching a new scientific education and outreach centre
2019 European School Of High-Energy Physics
Registration now open – Deadline for applications 3 May 2019
Moriond feels the strong force
Pentaquarks, charmed beauty particles and more from the Moriond conference’s second week, which is devoted to studies of the strong nuclear force