Computer Security: drive-bye!
Like a lion waiting to ambush gazelles at a waterhole, malware can catch you by surprise.
Come and play with HEAL in Microcosm!
A new interactive game in Microcosm informs about hadron therapy – come and test it!
High Energy Sailors
The High Energy Ladies, the CERN Yachting Club’s ladies’ team, were the first all-female team to complete the Geneva-Rolle-Geneva race
Irene Vichou (1964 - 2016)
It was with great sadness that we learnt that Irene Vichou, our much appreciated ATLAS colleague, had passed away in April after an illness.
Catherine Magnier (1968 – 2016)
Catherine Magnier, du département EN, nous a quitté le 31 mai dernier
Baby falcon rescued on CERN site
A member of CERN staff spotted the baby bird near a car in the Building 40 carpark, it is now homed with the centre for bird rescue
New gate for pedestrians and bikes on Prévessin site
Pedestrians and cyclists can access the Prévessin site through a new automated gate on the "Chemin Moulin des Ponts”
LHC Report: focus on luminosity
The intensity ramp-up of the LHC beams resumed last Friday after the main powering system of the PS accelerator was put back in service
What makes CERN’s research great
As a newcomer to CERN, I find myself both honoured and humbled to have had the role of Research Director confided in me for five years
One woman’s journey in physics
Renowned theoretical physicist Mary K Gaillard delivered a scientific seminar and presented her book “A singularly unfeminine profession” at CERN