A new energy frontier for heavy ions
This week’s heavy-ion run at the LHC breaks a symbolic barrier, says CERN accelerator physicist John Jowett
Neutrinos: after the Nobel Prize, the hunt continues
The 2015 Nobel Prize for physics rewards the long quest for understanding of the elusive neutrino
Breaking the Rules
This week it's the turn of heavy-ion physics to take the spotlight
Antihydrogen at CERN: 20 years and going strong
In September 1995 physicists at CERN synthesised the first antihydrogen atoms, paving the way for today’s growing antimatter research
CAST explores the dark side of the universe
The astroparticle experiment tracks the Sun morning and evening to search for particles of dark matter and dark energy
BASE compares protons to antiprotons with high precision
In a paper published today in Nature, BASE reports the most precise comparison of the charge-to-mass ratio of the proton to the antiproton
NOvA sees its first oscillating neutrinos
A new Fermilab experiment sees neutrinos oscillating over an 800 km baseline
First results from cosmic-ray detector designed by students
The Langton Ultimate Cosmic-ray Intensity Detector used CERN Medipix particle detectors to collect data from space
OPERA detects its fifth tau neutrino
Researchers in Gran Sasso, Italy, have detected a tau neutrino in the muon-neutrino beam from CERN
The Mu2e experiment: a rare opportunity
A new experiment at Fermilab will look for the neutrinoless transformation of a muon into an electron