Theory and experiment – closer together by being apart
How the Theory Department contributes to the evolving research of particle physics and the CERN research programme
LHC smashes targets for 2016 run
Our target for the integrated luminosity for 2016 was 25 inverse femtobarns. We reached 40
Too much data – a good problem to have
Large volumes of high-quality data may be a challenge, but addressing it brings innovation
CERN & Society – spreading our spirit of scientific curiosity
With the winners of the CERN Beamline for Schools 2016 competition on their way home, it is a good time to take a look at the CERN & Society programme
There’s more to particle physics at CERN than colliders
Creation of a Physics Beyond Colliders study group to provide input to the next update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics
News from Council - September 2016
Fabiola Gianotti, CERN’s Director-General, shares the news from Council who met this week
Making CERN a modern and attractive employer
Martin Steinacher introdueces the new CERN career structure
A professional culture at CERN
James Purvis, Human Resources Department Head, on breaching CERN’s code of conduct
ICHEP 2016: to b(ump) or not to b(ump)
Eckhard attends the 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP 2016, hosted this year by the US particle physics community
ESOF: Showcasing science, diversity and inclusivity
Last week, Fabiola was at the biennial EuroScience Open Forum, ESOF2016, Europe’s biggest public-facing scientific event