The role of science on the world stage
Maurizio Bona comments the celebration of CERN’s 60th anniversary at UN Headquarters in New York on 20 October
Bringing science to the policy table
Presentations at the UN’s New York headquarters used CERN as an example of the vital importance of science for peace
Theory at CERN turns 62
Cecilia Jarlskog looks at CERN Theory’s roots, and recalls some interactions with the organization
ICTP celebrates 50 years
Rolf Heuer took part in the first day of a four-day scientific celebration in which the true value of ICTP came to the fore
The opportunity to guest edit Le Temps
Editorial, as guest editor of the Saturday 27 September issue of Switzerland’s French-language newspaper Le Temps
Thoughts on CERN’s future
A science-policy contribution to the debate, by physicist and former science minister, José Mariano Gago
Social: a new communication channel for CERN people is a social-networking platform like Facebook or Twitter but tailored for CERN people, says Bruno Silva De Sousa
A shining light in the Middle East
SESAME needs external top-down help and encouragement to ensure timely completion, says Chris Llewellyn Smith
Safety on our roads
New “traffic-calming” measures have been set up near Restaurant 2, to encourage drivers to slow down to safe speeds
Getting to know international Geneva
Over recent years, CERN has been tightening its links with fellow organisations in Geneva’s vibrant international community