2015: the International Year of Light
During 2015, the International Year of Light, CERN is highlighting the High Luminosity LHC project and CERN’s involvement in the SESAME laboratory
Taking CERN physics to South Asia
CERN physicists travelled to Nepal and India to bring a plethora of particle physics events to schools, universities and public venues
LHC Season 2: holding the key to new frontiers
With ‘LHC Season 2’ starting soon, running at a new high energy, the LHC key is handed back to the machine operators today
Register now for Beamline for schools
Want to conduct an experiment at a fully operational CERN beamline? Just over 3 weeks left to register for the Beamline for schools competition!
Pakistan to become Associate Member State of CERN
CERN Director General and the Chairman of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission sign a document admitting Pakistan to CERN Associate Membership
In pictures: CERN in 2014
A look back at the some of the stories in the laboratory's 60th anniversary year
Cosmic neutrinos and more: IceCube’s first three years
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole has been collecting data on some of the most violent collisions in the universe
LHC filling with liquid helium at 4 kelvin
The CERN cryogenics team are filling the LHC with liquid helium, cooling entire sections to below 4K
Apply now for the openlab Summer Student Programme 2015
The deadline for applications is 28 February 2015
ISOLDE celebrates its 50th anniversary
ISOLDE is holding a special 50th anniversary edition of its annual workshop to celebrate the approval of the programme in 1964