

4-5 June: Holland at CERN

Knowledge sharing
14 May, 2019
Knowledge sharing
14 May, 2019

In Granada, the European particle physics community prepares decisions for the future of the field

The European particle physics community is meeting this week in Granada, Spain, to discuss the roadmap for the future of the discipline

Press release
Knowledge sharing
13 May, 2019
Knowledge sharing
Press release
13 May, 2019

CERN's flagship travelling exhibition goes to India

‘Accelerating Science’ exhibition will visit Mumbai, Bengaluru and Kolkata

Knowledge sharing
08 May, 2019
Knowledge sharing
08 May, 2019

A day of ICT workshops for girls at the Globe

On 25 April 2019 CERN held workshops on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for about 100 girls aged 6 to 14 at the Globe of Science and innovation

Knowledge sharing
29 April, 2019
Knowledge sharing
29 April, 2019

950 pupils in scientists’ shoes

The project Be a Scientist encountered a great success again for its 2019 edition

Knowledge sharing
11 April, 2019
Knowledge sharing
11 April, 2019

CERN unveils its Science Gateway project

CERN is launching a new scientific education and outreach centre

Press release
Knowledge sharing
08 April, 2019
Knowledge sharing
Press release
08 April, 2019

Girls and tech at Geneva’s Equality Week

Promoting girls’ “Yes we can!” attitude towards computer science

Knowledge sharing
03 April, 2019
Knowledge sharing
03 April, 2019

A “muoscope” with CMS technology

Researchers from the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider are developing a new application based on one of the experiment’s particle detectors

Knowledge sharing
22 March, 2019
Knowledge sharing
22 March, 2019

Fundamental research: at the heart of innovation

We’re celebrating the 30th anniversary of the WWW, first proposed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. Much will be said on that subject over the coming days, but it’s also an opportunity to reflect on the role of fundamental research in the process of innovation

Knowledge sharing
12 March, 2019
Knowledge sharing
12 March, 2019

Download the Big Bang on your smartphone

Travel through the history of space, time and matter within minutes

Knowledge sharing
06 March, 2019
Knowledge sharing
06 March, 2019