CERN supports new business incubation centre in Switzerland
A new business incubation centre in Switzerland marks the tenth centre to help businesses take CERN technology and expertise to the market
Help promote CERN and innovation at Parc La Grange
On 1 August, the City of Geneva will celebrate the National Day at Parc La Grange on the theme "Tradition and Innovation"
Technologies for CLIC and beyond
Technologies developed for the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) project promise smaller accelerators for applications outside high-energy physics
Science Night at the Science History Museum in Geneva
On 7 and 8 July 2018, Geneva’s Science History Museum is holding its 12th Science Night, on the theme “Tout un art ?”
Exploring future medical accelerators for cancer treatment
This week, worldwide experts are gathering to explore future medical accelerators for treating cancer
Dive into the subatomic world at Art Basel
HALO, an artwork conceived during the artists’ residency at CERN and inspired by ATLAS data will be exhibited from 13 to 17 June at Art Basel.
From CERN to the clinic
At a seminar at CERN today, Ron Heeren describes how CERN’s Timepix read-out chip might in the future be found in surgery rooms
Using CERN technology for medical challenges
A healthcare kit for remote conditions and a screening system for anti-cancer pharmaceuticals are the winners of the first CERN Medtech:Hack
Are you up for the TrackML challenge?
Can machine learning assist high-energy physics in discovering and characterising new particles?