

Join us in celebrating the tenth edition of the Beamline for Schools competition

The hybrid event is open to all and will showcase presentations from different perspectives of the competition, including current and former winning students

Knowledge sharing
11 September, 2023
Knowledge sharing
11 September, 2023

Accelerating circular fashion

What role could particle accelerators play in recycling textile waste?

Knowledge sharing
11 September, 2023
Knowledge sharing
11 September, 2023

KT and Detector Seminar on 1 September: detector technology innovations in medical X-ray imaging

Find out more about cutting-edge detector technologies and their impact on future commercial devices at the upcoming joint Knowledge Transfer and Detector seminar

Knowledge sharing
25 August, 2023
Knowledge sharing
25 August, 2023

SESAME, a growing focal point for regional scientific collaboration

SESAME, the Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East laboratory, welcomes Iraq as its first Associate Member

Knowledge sharing
22 August, 2023
Knowledge sharing
22 August, 2023

CERN Science Gateway: science and fun for kids (and everyone else)

A large number of visitors are expected at CERN Science Gateway from this autumn, and the youngest ones will be given special treatment

Knowledge sharing
08 August, 2023
Knowledge sharing
08 August, 2023

CERN and NASA join forces to commit to a research future that is open and accessible for all

A summit, entitled “Accelerating the Adoption of Open Science”, took place at CERN from 10 to 14 July, bringing together representatives from 70 scientific institutions to discuss how to develop and implement open science policies across the globe

Knowledge sharing
28 July, 2023
Knowledge sharing
28 July, 2023

“Collision – Stories from the Science of CERN” – anthology book is now available

“Collision – Stories from the Science of CERN” is a highly readable anthology built on the idea of teaming up great writers with great scientists

Knowledge sharing
20 July, 2023
Knowledge sharing
20 July, 2023

92 companies from across CERN Member and Associate Member States took part in CERN’s thematic forum on civil engineering

CERN opened its doors to a variety of companies for the first CERN Civil Engineering Business Forum, ushering in CERN’s new industry-specific networking strategy

Knowledge sharing
18 July, 2023
Knowledge sharing
18 July, 2023

Submit applications by 18 September for CERN Knowledge Transfer fund and Medical Applications budget 2023

CERN’s Knowledge Transfer (KT) group invites those who are working on a CERN technology that could be applied outside high-energy physics to submit applications for funding from the KT fund or the medical applications budget by 18 September

Knowledge sharing
14 July, 2023
Knowledge sharing
14 July, 2023

An evening dedicated to neutrinos in Prévessin-Moëns

On Saturday, 8 July 2023, the inhabitants of Prévessin-Moëns had the opportunity to visit a unique CERN facility, the Neutrino Platform.

Knowledge sharing
13 July, 2023
Knowledge sharing
13 July, 2023