ISOLDE sees shape shifting in gold nuclei
The finding comes a little more than 50 years after the phenomenon was first discovered at the facility in mercury nuclei
CMS presents its latest search for new exotic particles
This search for exotic long-lived particles looks at the possibility of “dark photon” production, which would occur when a Higgs boson decays into muons displaced in the detector
ATLAS and CMS unite to weigh in on the top quark
The new result combines 15 previous measurements to give the most precise determination of the top-quark mass to date
Symposium: Celebrating electroweak milestones | 31 October
CERN Science Gateway will host its first scientific event to celebrate 50 years since Gargamelle discovered neutral currents and 40 years since UA1 and UA2 discovered the W and Z bosons
In search of supersymmetric dark matter
The ATLAS collaboration sets stringent limits on the existence of supersymmetric dark matter particles
From partons to hadrons
The CMS collaboration sheds light on hadron formation
ALPHA experiment at CERN observes the influence of gravity on antimatter
The result is a milestone in the study of the properties and behaviour of antimatter
ATLAS measures strength of the strong force with record precision
The result showcases the power of the LHC to push the precision frontier and improve our understanding of nature