LHCb announces its 2024 collaboration prizes
Congratulations to the 2024 winners of the LHCb Thesis Awards, Early Career Scientist Awards and Technical Awards
Breakthrough in rapid cooling for BASE antiprotons
The experiment has developed a new device for cooling antiprotons more efficiently and for considerably increasing the precision of measurements of their fundamental properties
CMS congratulates its 2023 Award and Thesis Award winners
The CMS collaboration presents its 2023 awards for outstanding contributions to three doctoral students and 50 collaboration members
Upgrading the LHCb sub-detectors for the HL-LHC
The LHCb experiment is revamping its electromagnetic calorimeter with new high-performance modules and equipping its ring-imaging Cherenkov detectors with very fast electronics
NA64 uses the high-energy SPS muon beam to search for dark matter
The NA64 collaboration has used a muon beam for the first time to search for dark matter and could set new limits for a potential dark Z' boson
Hunting for millicharged particles at the LHC
The FASER and FORMOSA collaborations team up to test a demonstrator experiment to detect particles with a tiny electrical charge
MADMAX at the forefront of the search for axions
The MADMAX experiment at CERN’s North Area probes dark matter candidates with two new prototypes
ALICE gets the green light for new subdetectors
CERN’s dedicated heavy-ion physics experiment, ALICE, is upgrading its Inner Tracking System and adding a forward calorimeter for the next phase of the LHC upgrade