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Emergency stop tests: Prevessin

The emergency stop tests of the Prevessin site area 10 are planned for Saturday 10 January 2015 from 7am to 8pm

The emergency stop tests of the Prevessin site area 10 (BLDG 867, 864-865 BLOCKS 1 & 2, 866-892 BLOCKS 3 & 4, 904, 927, 926, 933, 880, 881, 939) are planned for Saturday 10 January 2015 from 7am to 8pm.

Frequent power cuts will occur on the Prevessin site area 10 (bldg 867, 864-865 blocks 1 & 2, 866-892 blocks 3 & 4, 904, 927, 926, 933, 880, 881, 939). The EN-EL group recommends that you turn off all your critical equipment and computer equipment.

For any further information please refer to this "note de coupure" [PDF