The four accelerators that feed into the Large Hadron Collider have all been restarted, while the LHC itself will receive its first particles on 4 April
Dismantling a beam dump is a real conundrum – that’s what the 2020 “autopsy” concluded. To solve it, the new spare LHC beam dumps have been made easier to “cut”
The new HL-LHC cold powering system, which includes the high-temperature superconducting link colloquially known as “the python”, has successfully passed its first cold powering tests
The collimation system of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which protects the accelerator’s components, needs an upgrade to be able to handle the performance of CERN’s future accelerator
FLOTUS is a new addition to the CLOUD experiment at CERN. By accelerating the oxidation of organic vapours before injecting them into the CLOUD chamber, FLOTUS allows more complex atmospheric phenomena to be studied