The new spokesperson, Gautier Hamel de Monchenault, and the two deputy spokespersons, Hafeez Hoorani and Anadi Canepa, will be representing CMS over the next two years
The CMS collaboration has searched for new physics in a rare decay of a known particle, using an approach that can be likened to shaking a box containing a birthday present to find a clue about what’s inside
The ATLAS and CMS collaborations are using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to search for exotic-looking collisions that could indicate new physics
Using a cutting-edge AI algorithm, the CMS collaboration has obtained the first evidence of CP violation in the decay of the strange beauty meson into a pair of muons and a pair of electrically charged kaons
How an evacuation of the CMS experimental cavern has provided invaluable human behaviour data to improve emergency preparedness for complex underground facilities
The CMS collaboration has measured the speed of sound in the quark–gluon plasma more precisely than ever before, offering new insights into this extremely hot state of matter