The Inverted CSC (iCSC) is a 4 day long school, organised at CERN. It consists of lectures and hands-on exercises on a variety of topics, given by former CSC students. This school provides the students with a platform to share their knowledge – and by doing so, it effectively “inverts” the roles by turning students into teachers.
This year's iCSC will include topics on Machine Learning and LLMs, HEP Computing, Best Coding Practices, Parallel computing and many more.
The school will take place on March 24-27, 2025 as a hybrid event - at CERN and on Zoom. All lecturers will be included in the Zoom event, however for the hands on exercises no Zoom will be available.
The school is free of charge and participants from outside of CERN are welcome to take part as well. We will not arrange for any accommodation or travel for participants, nor catering (a part coffee breaks) during the event.
Registration is now closed for the iCSC! If you are already at CERN you are of course welcome to pop in and listen to any of the talks of your choice!
By registering you are not obliged to stay for all lectures, you can attend the ones that interest you the most.