TechWeekStorage is about open storage ecosystems developed at CERN and used in research and academia, public institutions and by international organisations.
TechWeekStorage 25 will be hosted at CERN and it will be immediately preceded by the annual CS3 2025 conference will take place in LMU Munich. Registration to both events is separate. Both events will take place back-to-back to allow for easier travel arrangements.
TechWeekStorage brings a unique opportunity to learn about CERN storage and data management technologies directly from their authors, and to meet the experts and interact with the technical teams
The second edition of the event, TechWeekStorage 25, combines plenary sessions on CERN Storage and Data Management with dedicated EOS Workshop, CTA Workshop and CERNBox Workshop.
Location at CERN:
- Monday: 222-R-001 (Flitration Plant)
- Tue-Fri: 40/S2-D01 (Salle Dirac)
Developing the path to Exoscale Computing for the Square Kilometre Array with SRCNet, James Walder, RAL STFC, UK
About James
With a background in high-energy physics and computing, working on topics such as studying the matter-antimatter asymmetry the universe, and acting as the liaison between the computing infrastructure from the GRIDPP Collaboration in the UK and the ATLAS Experiment at CERN, he is now focusing on helping to prepare the path for SKA/SRCNet towards full-scale computing and storage infrastructure requirements and operations in the new paradigm of data-intensive astronomy.
Introduction to Data Processing and Analysis of LHC Experiments: Spotlight on Storage, Danilo Piparo, CERN EP-SFT
Among the many factors that are needed to make the data taking of a HEP experiment a success, a very prominent one is represented by the storage and data management services it can rely on. In this talk we’ll review how data typically flows from the HEP detectors acquiring it and is transformed through processing. We’ll emphasise both the software and hardware technologies which are necessary for the data processing and analysis, such as ROOT, EOS and CTA - for the latter two, we’ll focus on their CERN deployments. An introduction to HEP analysis will also be given. The storage challenge HL-LHC poses to us will also be discussed, as well as some opportunities we have at disposal to face it successfully.
About Danilo.
Danilo is a particle physicist and scientific software enthusiast. He has led the ROOT ( project since 2023: more than two Exabytes of data have been written by LHC experiments alone, and about an order of magnitude more will be written in the HL-LHC era. Previously, Danilo led the Offline Software and Computing area of the CMS Experiment at CERN, responsible for the software for processing the acquired data as well as the management and operation of the computing infrastructure on which that software is deployed.
One of the proposers of SWAN, the notebook service of CERN centred around sync&share storage, Danilo was a member of the ROOT team from 2013 to 2019 and contributed to many of its areas, including I/O, core, math and statistics. Danilo is also a lecturer and Advisory Committee member of the CERN School of Computing.