CERN’s ALPHA experiment measures charge of antihydrogen
ALPHA reports a measurement of the electric charge of antihydrogen atoms, finding it to be compatible with zero to eight decimal places
LHC dipole takes a trip downtown
An LHC magnet makes a stop in the heart of Geneva to celebrate 200 years since the canton joined the Swiss Confederation
Giant magnet parades through downtown Geneva
An LHC magnet makes a stop in the heart of Geneva to celebrate 200 years since the canton joined the Swiss Confederation
How universal is (lepton) universality?
New results from LHCb suggest that B+mesons decay to muons about 25% less often than they decay to electrons
Z(4430) resonance and other exotic meson results from LHCb
Greig Cowan of the University of Edinburgh (UK) presents the latest on exotic mesons from LHCb. Watch the webcast at 11am CET today
Accelerating progress on SESAME
The Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics and the Elettra light source have signed to supply accelerator components worth €1 million to SESAME
Who invented quarks?
The official story is demonstrably wrong, says CERN theorist Álvaro de Rújula
BESIII and the XYZ mystery
In continuing its studies of the energy region of the τ and charm particles, the BES collaboration has begun to investigate the puzzling XYZ states
CERN celebrates its anniversary with its neighbours
For CERN, the "Fête des Voisins" (neighbours' fair) lasted the whole weekend