Computer security: security workouts
Just like your summer exercise regime, computer security requires permanent training to stay fit and healthy
CERN70: Where the Web was born…
Tim Berners-Lee wrote a proposal in 1989 for an information management system called the World Wide Web
Computer Security: Audited for the better
Summer 2023 was an intense season for CERN computer security...
CERN Drawing Directory (CDD) to be phased out before the end of 2024
Computer Security: Security NIMBYs
If we want to protect CERN and to have a decent level of security, we cannot avoid deploying a certain set of computer security measures… and they all come with inconveniences
Digital archaeology: new LEP data now available to all
Retrieving and preserving access to data from experiments that ran in the 90s is a complex task carried out by passionate experts in the IT department
Computer Security: Don’t print naked
If you’re interested in what’s going on at CERN, in professional projects and plans, or in private problems and parties, hanging out at one of CERN’s printers is a very effective approach...
Computer Security: Dear summer students, welcome!
A warm welcome to the summer-student class of 2024! In order to make your digital life as comfortable as possible, here are a few things you need to know
Computer Security: Blind trust means money lost
This spring has seen two fraudulent transactions on the CERN Marketplace. In both cases, the fraudsters were advertising vacant apartments that they didn’t own
Computer Security: The better generation
To all those fine folks out there who are interested in computer security, thank you!