LHC Season 2: Follow the people at the frontiers of physics
Watch 11 physicists from the LHC experiments ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb explain what they hope to discover during the accelerator's second run
Low-energy collisions tune LHC experiments
This morning, for the first time in two years, proton-proton collisions were delivered to the LHC experiments at injection energy: 450 GeV per beam
LHC report: Reaching high intensity
After both beams having been ramped to their full energy of 6.5 TeV, the last two weeks saw the beam commissioning process advancing on many fronts
Accelerating news: Issue 13 now online
The LHC restart, highlights from FCC week, the first bending magnet of SESAME and more in this spring issue
First successful beam at record energy of 6.5 TeV
Last night the LHC operations team successfully circulated a beam at 6.5 TeV - one of many steps before the LHC can deliver collisions to experiments
LHC: Preparations for collisions at 13 TeV
With proton beams back in the LHC, operations experts have weeks of work to do before they can collide beams in experiments at the energy of 13 TeV
A successful week for the Future Circular Collider Study
Some 340 people attended the inaugural FCC conference week in Washington DC to discuss the study status and plans for the future
A busy Sunday for the LHC
The LHC started up again on Sunday for the first time in two years. LHC operators celebrated the smooth restart with champagne and chocolate eggs
AMS Days at CERN
Featuring some 33 talks about latest results and the future of cosmic-ray physics, CERN’s AMS Days will take place from 15-17 April
Proton beams are back in the LHC
After two years of intense maintenance and consolidation the Large Hadron Collider is back in operation