Large Hadron Collider set to restart
The first beams could be circulating in the machine sometime between Saturday and Monday
LHC restart update
The first beams could be circulating in the machine sometime between Saturday and Monday
LHC restart back on track
The short circuit to ground delaying the restart of the LHC has been fixed
In pictures: X-rays probe LHC for cause of short circuit
A short circuit in a superconducting dipole magnet is delaying the beam injection in the LHC. Teams are working around the clock to fix the issue
LHC restart update
LHC run 2 is coming ever closer, but there will be no beam in the LHC this week
It's Future Circular Collider week in Washington DC
This week delegates at the first Annual Meeting of the FCC study will discuss the status of their project to decide on a baseline for further study
LHC experiments join forces to zoom in on the Higgs boson
Today the ATLAS and CMS experiments presented for the first time a combination of their results on the mass of the Higgs boson
A luminous future for the LHC
Work continues apace for the high-luminosity upgrade for the LHC 10 years from now
The LHC: A stronger machine
Watch CERN engineers explain the work during the laboratory's long shutdown to prepare the LHC for running at 13 TeV
Injection tests make a splash
Particles were successfully injected into the LHC last weekend, passing through three sectors of the accelerator