LS1 report: a stubborn cavity will soon be replaced
Testing on the LHC’s replacement RF cryomodule was completed last week in SM18
Power napping for detectors
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) study is looking at silicon capacitors to help with power pulsing
X-ray tests: Night at the collider
When night falls over CERN, a team of X-ray experts go underground to perform tests on the Large Hadron Collider
LS1 report: achieving the unachievable
The dismantling and extraction of a defective DFBA module from LHC Point 6, has been completed without a hitch
First H- beam at Linac 4: 3 MeV done, 157 MeV to go
On 14 November, the first H- beam was accelerated to the energy of 3 MeV in Linac 4
The Large Hadron Collider on tour
Collider, a new exhibition about the LHC, opens in London this week. It will stay for 6 months before a planned international tour
LS1 report: According to schedule
Maintenance activities across the CERN site for Long Shutdown 1 are progressing well
LS1 report: successful tests
New beam dump and shielding blocks installed at the PS Booster
LS1 report: Replacing an antique
At the PS, replacement of the old cooling and ventilation system, which dated back to 1957, is progressing well
A new beam dump for the Proton Synchrotron Booster
Watch CERN engineers install a new beam dump at the Proton Synchrotron Booster