ATLAS releases animated particle plots
The ATLAS collaboration has just released four animations showing how signals of new particles can emerge from LHC collision data
LS1 report: onwards and upwards
The upgrade and maintenance of the LHC (LS1 - first long shutdown) started with the tests of most of the electromagnetic circuits
Colliders Unite: Linear Colliders in new partnership
The Linear Collider Collaboration unites global development work for a next-generation particle collider
LHC report: Run 1 - the final flurry
The proton-lead run was an unqualified success and a testament to painstaking preparation by the ion team
LHC access required: Time estimate ~ 2 years
On Saturday at 8.25am the crew in the CERN Control Centre extracted the beams from the LHC, ending the machine’s first three-year running period
First three-year LHC running period reaches a conclusion
At 7.24am, the shift crew in the CERN Control Centre extracted the beams from the Large Hadron Collider, ending the machine’s first three-year run
LS1: Exciting times ahead
As the first and last proton-lead run of 2013 draws to a close, the maintenance programme of the LHC's first long shutdown (LS1) is about to start
Long Shutdown 1: Exciting times ahead
As the first and last proton-lead run of 2013 draws to a close, the extensive maintenance programme of the LHC's first long shutdown is about to start
Heavy metal: Refilling the lead source for the LHC
Every two weeks, ion-source physicist Detlef Küchler refills the lead source for the LHC with pure lead 208
LHC report: proton-ion run continues
Proton-ion operation has become routine for the LHC operation crew with all seven LHC experiments simultaneously taking data for first time