Searches for CLFV processes are powerful probes of physics beyond the Standard Model and upcoming experiments will probe mass scales up to 10^4 TeV/c^2.
This conference, the first in a projected series, will examine the status of CLFV-predicting models, both SUSY and non-SUSY, after the first LHC results, and investigate the physics accessible in the coming round of experiments. We will learn what searches for CLFV have already told us, and examine the prospects for experiments and new facilities planned for the coming decade. R&D programs on new detection techniques, devices, and beams will also be covered.
The conference will consist of three days of plenary sessions. We will begin by examining the predictions of observable effects and how the existing measurements constrain models. We next discuss existing and planned experiments: MEG and its upgrades along with the Mu3e experiment at PSI; the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab, and the COMET and DeeMe experiments at J-PARC. We will also examine the contributions from BELLE and BaBar and hear about the possibilities at BELLE-II. ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb will make unique checks of their own. NA62 will be able to significantly improve on the existing information from the kaon sector.
Finally we will look forward to future facilities at Fermilab, J-PARC, and PSI to see what beams will be available in the future.
The field is growing and vibrant and we hope this will be an exciting conference. We look forward to seeing you in Lecce!
See the conference website.
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