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ALICE honours its PhD thesis award winners


ALICE Thesis Award winners pose with their awards.

ALICE Thesis Award winners pose with their awards. From left to right: Marco van Leeuwen (ALICE Spokesperson), Lucas Anne Vermunt, Marielle Chartier (Chair of the ALICE collaboration board), Ralf Averbeck (Chair of the Thesis Award committee), and Rita Sadek. (Image: CERN)

On 12 July 2023, the ALICE collaboration celebrated its PhD thesis award winners in a ceremony organised as part of the ALICE collaboration meeting at CERN. Since 2008, ALICE has recognised the most outstanding PhD theses in the fields of physics and instrumentation based on the excellence of the results obtained, the quality of the thesis manuscript, and the importance of the contribution to the collaboration.

The quality of all 21 theses submitted for the award this year has been excellent. After reviewing all the theses, the ALICE Thesis Award committee unanimously decided to honour two winners:

Both winners received congratulations by the ALICE Spokesperson, Marco van Leeuwen, the Collaboration Board Chair, Marielle Chartier, and the Chair of the Thesis Award committee, Ralf Averbeck. Marco and Marielle handed over the award certificates and prizes to Rita and Luuk, who presented their thesis works in flash talks to the collaboration.

Further details on the ALICE Collaboration website.