Exchanging knowledge with industry on superconducting tech

A 2-day workshop is bringing together CERN researchers and companies developing innovative superconducting technologies


Exchanging knowledge with industry on superconducting tech

The LHC will undergo a major upgrade in 2020 (Image: CERN)

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is scheduled for a major upgrade in 2020, which will see its luminosity – the number of collisions delivered per square centimetre per second – increase by a factor of ten beyond its design value. The planned configuration, High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), will increase the machine's discovery potential for new physics. CERN will collaborate with industry to develop an estimated 300 million euros worth of new technologies for the upgrade.

At a 2-day workshop at the Globe of Science and Innovation at CERN, researchers from industry will match technical challenges from HL-LHC with industrial solutions. Key areas for discussion include the development of high- and low-field magnets, superconducting cavities, cryostats and superconducting links.

The event is organized by CERN’s Accelerators and Technology sector and the Knowledge transfer group in collaboration with TIARA (Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area) and the European FP7 projects HiLumi LHC. It addresses technical challenges shared by other European research infrastructures such as the European Spallation Source (ESS).

This is one of a series of initiatives to connect CERN with the European high-tech industry and to foster collaborative R&D projects and new opportunities to do business with CERN.