MINERvA searches for wisdom among neutrinos

MINERvA seeks to make precise measurements of neutrino cross-section on light and heavy nuclei


Neutrino physicists enjoy a challenge, and the members of the MINERvA (Main INjector for ExpeRiment for v-A) collaboration at Fermilab are no exception. MINERvA seeks to make precise measurements of neutrino cross-section on light and heavy nuclei. Using the laboratory’s intense neutrino beam together with a detector of finely segmented scintillators and a further detector to measure muons, the experiment can measure the cross-sections of different types of neutrino interaction: quasi-elastic, resonance production, and deep-inelastic scatters, among others. In this way, the experiment is continuing Fermilab’s rich history of difficult neutrino measurements.

Read more: "MINERvA searches for wisdom among neutrinos" – CERN Courier