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Événements à venir

Voici une liste d'événements choisis à l’intention de la communauté du CERN

10 mar 16:00 | Knowledge Sharing | 160/1-009 & online | Diversity & Inclusion Programme | EN
Inclusion & Awareness Forum 01

11 mar 09:00 | At CERN | Online | HR | EN
HR webinar – Internal Mobility

11 mar 11:00 | Physics | 222/R-001 | LHC Seminar | EN
First observation of strange baryon enhancement with effective energy in pp collisions at the LHC with ALICE

11 mar 16:00 | Physics | 508/1-001 | ISOLDE Seminar | EN
High-resolution laser spectroscopy of light-gold isotopes

11 mar 17:30 | Knowledge Sharing | Main Auditorium | Staff Association | FR
L'excellence au travail, vu par les neurosciences

12 mar 14:00 | Physics | 4/3-006 | Theory Colloquia | EN
An Introduction to Topological Quantum Computation

13 mar 10:00 | Physics | 40/S2-C01 | QTI Seminars | EN
Parameter estimation of gravitational waves with a quantum metropolis algorithm

14 mar 14:30 | Knowledge Sharing | Online | CERN Alumni | EN
Moving Out of Academia to Data Science & Analytics (2nd edition)

14 mar 16:00 | Accelerators | 6/2-024 | BE Seminars | EN
Challenges from collective effects in the design and modelling of Muon Colliders

20 mar 20:00 | Knowledge Sharing | CERN Science Gateway | Public Events | FR
Les Dieux et le Père Noël : vers une solution quantique – part of CERN's Quantum! season

21 mar 14:00 | Knowledge Sharing | Online | Micro-Talks | EN
#15 Critical Thinking: Challenge Assumptions, Reframe Issues

25 mar 08:30 | At CERN | Building 29 | HSE | EN & FR
Don du sang au CERN

26 mar 16:00 | Knowledge Sharing | 40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie | Early career community | EN
LHC Soft Skills Workshop: Presenting Science – How to prepare a scientific presentation with impact!

2 avr 11:00 | Knowledge Sharing | Main Auditorium | Academic Training Lectures | EN
Fresh results (and surprises) from the James Webb Space Telescope (1/2)

3 avr 11:00 | Knowledge Sharing | Main Auditorium | Academic Training Lectures | EN
Fresh results (and surprises) from the James Webb Space Telescope (2/2)

3 avr 16:30 | Knowledge Sharing | Main Auditorium & online | CERN Colloquium | EN
Superintelligent Agents Pose Catastrophic Risks: Can Scientist AI Offer a Safer Path?

4 avr 14:00 | Knowledge Sharing | Council Chamber | KT Seminars | EN
Symposium to celebrate Ugo Amaldi’s 90th birthday

8–11 avr | Accelerators | Globe of Science and Innovation | ICFA | EN
5th ICFA Beam Dynamics Mini-Workshop on Machine Learning for Particle Accelerators

9 avr 11:00 | Knowledge Sharing | CERN Library | Archives, Library and Open Science events | FR
Meet the author of "Quantix", "Infinix" and "Cosmix"

9 avr 13:30 et 15:30 | Knowledge Sharing | CERN Science Gateway | CERN Public events | FR
Les super-pouvoirs de l’Univers - Ateliers BD et sciences au CERN – part of CERN's Quantum! season

9 avr 20:00 | Knowledge Sharing | CERN Science Gateway | CERN Public events | FR
Super Quantum! – part of CERN's Quantum! season

9–13 avr | Knowledge Sharing | Palexpo | CERN Local engagement | FR
CERN Workshops (Wed, Sat & Sun) at the Salon of Inventions

14 avr 11:00 | Knowledge Sharing | CERN Library | Archives, Library and Open Science events | FR
Meet the authors of "New Frontiers in Science in the Era of AI"


Les inscriptions sont ouvertes

20–23 mai | Engineering | CERN | FPGA Developers' Forum | EN
2nd FPGA Developers' Forum (FDF) meeting

28 mai | Knowledge Sharing | EPFL, Lausanne | Famelab | EN, FR or DE
Famelab Switzerland 2025 local heats, open to 18–35-year-olds

15–27 jun | Accelerators | Bulgaria | CERN Accelerator School | EN
Pushing the Limits: Intensity Limitations in Hadron Beams

23–27 jun | Physics | Venice, Italy | Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics | EN
Open Symposium of the 2026 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics

23–28 jJun | Physics | Deadwood, South Dakota, USA | The Institute for Underground Science at SURF | EN
PPC 2025: XVIII International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology

6–19 jul | Computing | Lund, Sweden | CERN School of Computing | EN
46th CERN School of Computing (CSC 2025)

15–24 jul | Physics | CICG, Geneva | ICRC | EN
ICRC 2025: 39th International Cosmic Ray Conference

1–13 sep | Physics | Pisa, Italy | INFIERI | EN
INFIERI 2025: Intelligent signal processing for frontier research and industry

21 sep–4 oct | Accelerators | Spain | CERN Accelerator School | EN
Introduction to Accelerator Physics


Cette liste regroupe les événements pertinents pour l’ensemble de la communauté du CERN.
D'autres événements sont consultables ici :
Indico affiche également TOUS les événements qui ont lieu aujourd'huicette semaine et au-delà sous forme de calendrier.

Si vous souhaitez que votre événement apparaisse dans cette liste du Bulletin, veuillez contacter